Thursday, June 14, 2007

Untangle Your Way Out of Subway Scramble

Well indeed! How many times have I been on the subway, only to get totally frustrated by an annoying message from the driver, detailing some lame excuse as to why the train is yet again delayed? How many times did I myself want to be in his seat, convinced I could do a better job as surely I would not let a lone leaf on the track stop me for progressing forward and transporting my subway sitting customers from point A to B.

Well, in Subway Scramble that is exactly what I am able to do. I am living out my fantasy of being the train driver! I am trying to guide my train through different areas of New York including Bowling Green, Columbus Circle and the Rockefeller Center so I get to see America too (well I would if we were over ground).

Apart from being able to enjoy New York and other areas of North America through Subway Scramble the reason I really like the game is because it challenges me through its puzzle maze type style. I have to guide my train through all sorts of challenging twists and turns and I guess trying to do that gives me a little bit of insight in to what the driver of my regular subway train is attempting on a daily basis. There are two modes of play here: Around the world and Rush Hour. There are over 40 levels of play too.

So the challenge of the game is to guide your way around and the trick is to drive well and not get caught up in the difficult driving areas which I sometimes do.

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