Sunday, August 17, 2008

MoThello fun for Mobile Phones

Get Better at Othello with MoThello!

Having never played traditional Othello before, I was not initially too excited to start playing MoThello (the mobile phone version of Othello). But my friend at work told me the game was a riot, she loved it and she herself had never gotten into Othello either. "Mobile phones are changing everything," she said. "Even if you never liked a game in its real form, you will love it in its mobile form, especially MoThello." So I decided to give it a go. The rules are the same with MoThello and Othello, but the graphics, sounds and speeds, make the game so much more exciting and faster.

How to Play MoThello

What you have to do is beat the other player by having more of your discs on the board than them. There are two colors (and thus two players): black and white. The person with the black discs moves first. Each player gets a turn when they have to try and flip at least one opposing disc but if this cannot be achieved, then they cannot make a move and their opponent gets another turn. Sometimes though, a player can do really well and flip more than one disc at a time, in any direction (vertically, diagonally or horizontally). When both players get to the point where they are unable to move, the game comes to an end and the player with the most discs on the board wins.

Win MoThello With Fun

I found that initially I was doing pretty badly with MoThello. I guess it was because it reminded me of how bad I used to be at board games and how I had often tried to avoid them. But once I got over that initial attitude and started playing MoThello with an attitude of fun and relaxation, I found that I was able to do pretty well. It took time and it took patience (i.e., the more I played the better I did), but I soon realized that the more I relaxed, the better off I was. Now I play MoThello whenever I have a few minutes at the end of a work day or while traveling to avoid those boring business calls I so often need to take on my mobile phone. MoThello is far more exciting than using my mobile phone to chat!

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