Sunday, March 22, 2009

Free Sonic

Many will remember a video game called "Sonic the Hedgehog" back when you had to play video games in arcades and they all cost a quarter. Now, a free mobile game called "Free Sonic" attempts to replicate the action and plot of the original "Sonic" series with surprising results.

What is remarkable is that the images are true to form. Sonic and Knuckles looks the same as they did back in the seventies, just with a few details updated for the new millennium. What is great is that even on a small cell phone or PDA display, the graphics are intense. The Sonic file is large since it contains multiple characters at multiple levels. Yet once you download the game, playing is as easy as making a call.

Even the soundtrack is based on the original. Of course, if you are in a busy office and killing time playing Sonic, you may not want people to know what you are doing. That is why there is a mute option. As far as anyone knows, you could be sending an e-mail or setting up a conference call, not controlling a hedge hog to total domination of the universe.

For those not familiar with Sonic and the game series based on the character, all you need to know is that Sonic and his friends are the good guys. The scorpions and spiders are bad. Jump over them and try to touch as many gold rings as possible. Every touch gives you more points. On the other hand, if you are bitten by a scorpion, you will lose one of your three lives, so be careful.

The game is structured around a multi-level universe which is full of jumps, drops, and loops. Always look ahead to see what obstacles are coming your way next and you will do fine.

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