Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Metal Ball

Metal ball is a fun mobile game that you can download for free and play wherever you want. All you need is a cell phone with gaming option, PDA, or any other type of hand-held that supports gaming. The game combines, graphics, music, and strategy to provide an addictive form of entertainment.

There are many, many levels. On the first level, all you need to do is move a little, metal ball with the arrow keys, along a track that is both flat and straight. Level one is very easy and in no way prepares you for what is to come. Level two throws a few variations in, the track goes around a few corners, but still nothing fancy. You can handle it.

The real fun stuff comes about around level five. By this time you are going along a track that has ramps going up and down, sudden changes of direction, and places where the track is hardly wider than the ball. If you miss the edge, you fall into the abyss. You will then be restarted from the same track, just further back.

The soundtrack of the game is one of those post modern keyboard pieces that are for some reason soothing to the ear. It is much better than most of the grinding synthesized generated stuff that normally pulses throughout games like these. The designers actually found a piece of music that complements rather than detracts from the game play.

A good strategy is to always try and stay in the center of the track. You give yourself a few precious seconds that way when you see an obstacle is approaching. Play with two fingers and always angle the direction of the ball. Pressing up and left for example, sends the ball to the Northwest. The more you play, the more you will get the hang of it.

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