Thursday, July 12, 2007

Go For Gold With Block Breaker Deluxe

Block Breaker Deluxe is kinda cute. I have always liked the games that keep me coming back for more and now that I can download them on to my mobile phone they are even more enjoyable as I do not have to sit at the computer screen. So on your screen you get a whole load of blocks and what you have to do is knock them out, with YOU being a paddle. So the paddle has to attack the blocks. That is the SIMPLE goal of the game, but with Block Breaker Deluxe things get a little bit more complicated.

First, there are a ton of different types of blocks, and some of them are really tough to manage. The worst blocks for me were the hard blocks as they have to be hit quite a few times and I can never quite work out just how many times I need to hit them. So I think I may have knocked them out and then I find that I have not been successful. There are some blocks which you do not know about immediately either, in other words they will either really help you or stab you in the back as it were so it is difficult to know what to do with them. And then there are other sort of blocks that require your attention, creativity and wisdom for you to work out how to deal with them.

There are 6 different levels to Block Breaker Deluxe and the player has to go through them all, one at a time, clearing the blocks that block him or her AND at the same time, picking up things that will be impressive to those who own the area on which you are removing the blocks. When you complete each level (area) you have to attack the boss of that place which gives you rights to enter the underground blockbreaker tournament if you have the very high entrance fee and when you enter there you have to compete against other blockbreakers. I personally find Block Breaker Deluxe not so difficult when it comes to getting things, but quite challenging regarding the blocks as there is just so much unpredictability. But I guess that is what makes the game so much fun and keeps me coming back for more.

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